Klasse Matrix, Implementierung

/* Matrix.C:
 *  matrix of doubles
 *  implementation

#include "Matrix.H"
#include <strstream.h>

// creates a new matrix with given number of rows and columns
Matrix::Matrix(int rows, int cols) {
  // error handling
  if (rows < 0 || cols < 0) {
    ostrstream myString;
    myString << "Invalid array size: " << rows << " x " << cols ; 
    throw myString.str();

  nRows = rows;
  nCols = cols;
  val = new double[nRows * nCols];

Matrix::~Matrix() {
  delete[] val;

// returns shape (= number of rows and columns) of the matrix
int* Matrix::shape() {
  int * sizes = new int[2];
  sizes[0] = nRows;
  sizes[1] = nCols;
  return sizes;

// sets Matrix(i,j) to v
void Matrix::set(int i, int j, double v) {
  // check indices
  if (i > 0 && i <= nRows && j > 0 && j <= nCols) {
    val[i - 1 + nRows * (j - 1)] = v;
  } else {
    ostrstream myString;
    myString << "Invalid index: (" << i << "," << j << ")";
    throw myString.str();

// returns Matrix(i,j)
double Matrix::get(int i, int j) {
  // check indices
  if (i > 0 && i <= nRows && j > 0 && j <= nCols) {
    return val[i - 1 + nRows * (j - 1)];
  } else {
    ostrstream myString;
    myString << "Invalid index: (" << i << "," << j << ")";
    throw myString.str();

// result = matmul(this, b)
void Matrix::mult(Matrix &b, Matrix &result) {
  int  *dimA, *dimB, *dimC;
  dimA = shape();
  dimB = b.shape();
  dimC = result.shape();
  // check dimensions
  if (dimA[1] != dimB[0]) {
    ostrstream myString;
    myString << "Invalid matrix dimensions for multiplication: (" 
	     << dimA[0] << "," << dimA[1] << ") x ("
	     << dimB[0] << "," << dimB[1] << ")";
    throw myString.str();
  } else if (dimA[0] != dimC[0] || dimB[1] != dimC[1]) {
    ostrstream myString;
    myString << "Invalid matrix dimensions for result: is ("
	     << dimC[0] << "," << dimC[1] << "), should be ("
	     << dimA[0] << "," << dimB[1] << ")";
    throw myString.str();
  int m = dimA[0];
  int l = dimA[1];
  int n = dimB[1];
  for (int i = 1; i <= m; i++) {
	for (int j = 1; j <= n; j++) {
	  result.val[i - 1 + m * (j - 1)] = 0.0;
	  for (int k = 1; k <= l; k++) {
		result.val[i - 1 + m * (j - 1)] += 
		  val[i - 1 + m * (k - 1)] * b.val[k - 1 + l * (j - 1)];

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Peter Junglas 8.10.1999