
function [L, d, DLMat, FMat] = readTensileData(filename)
% read tensile test data from file
% parameter
%   filename     file with test data
% returns
%   L             specimen length [mm]
%   d             specimen diameter [mm]
%   DLMat         elongation [mm]
%   FMat          applied force [kN]
fid = fopen(filename,"r");

% read header
data = textscan(fid,"%f", 2, "CommentStyle", "#");
L = data{1}(1);                 % in mm
d = data{1}(2);                 % in mm

% read data sets
I = 0;
while ~feof(fid)
  data1 = textscan(fid,"%f %f", "EmptyValue", NaN); % read data til comment
  I = I + 1;
  len(I) = size(data1{1},1);    % collect data sizes
  DL{I} = data1{1};             % in mm
  F{I} = data1{2};              % in kN
  fgetl(fid);                   % read next comment

% prepare matrices for all datasets, fill with NaN's
N = max(len);                   % maximal data size
nSets = length(len);            % number of data sets
DLMat = NaN(N, nSets);
FMat = NaN(N, nSets);

% insert data columns in matrices
for I=1:nSets
  DLMat(1:size(DL{I},1), I) = DL{I};
  FMat(1:size(F{I},1), I) = F{I};
