Text Style

The following commands change the font for their argument:

description command
font family:  
roman (default) \textrm
sans serif \textsf
typewriter \texttt
font style:  
bold \textbf
italics \textit

For each of these commands exist alternate forms that switch the font for the following text. Their range can be limited by using {, }.

Starting with roman style, I switch { \it now to italics until the end } of the block.

results in:

Starting with roman style, I switch now to italics until the end of the block.

The following commands to change the font size are valid until the end of their block:

command result
\tiny Armadillo
\small Armadillo
\normalsize Armadillo
\large Armadillo
\Large Armadillo

Text can be emphasized with \emph{}. This usually changes to italics, but uses roman, if the surrounding text already uses italics.

To print something exactly like it is typed, one can use the verbatim environment:

    Now   the   spaces   are    relevant.
    as well.

A horizontal space is inserted with \hspace{LENGTH}, a vertical space (usually between paragraphs) with \vspace{LENGTH}. The LENGTH can be given in several units, e.g.:

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Peter Junglas 15.5.2000